//upper case<=>lower case #include #include #include #include void uprtlwr(void); void lwrtupr(void); void main() { clrscr(); int chk; do { printf("\n Press 1 to change upper case to lower case:"); printf("\n Press 2 to change lower case to upper case :"); printf("\n Press 3 to EXIT:"); printf("\n Please enter your choice......"); scanf("%d",&chk); printf("\n"); switch(chk) { case 1: uprtlwr(); break; case 2: lwrtupr(); break; case 3: break; default: printf("\n You have enter a wrong choice!!!!!!!!\n"); break; } } while(chk!=3); } void uprtlwr(void) { printf("\n"); char nm[30],tmp; int l,i; printf("\n Enter your string in upper case:"); cin.getline(nm,'\30'); l=strlen(nm); printf("\n Entered string in lower case is:"); for(i=0;i